The Attorney General of QuakeCon Badge Design Integrity recently released his two-page summary of the Mueller Report that investigated whether there was collusion between Russia and QuakeCon Forums in the design of the 2019 QuakeCon Forums Badge and whether there was obstruction of the investigation by QuakeCon Forums.
There will be a limited amount of Forum Wh0r3s Badges for sale for a minimum donation of $5. Find a Forums staff member near the NOC to get one! Badge sales go to fund yearly hosting, domain and platform software costs.
Here are the front and back designs of the 2019 QuakeCon Forums badge.

Here are some wallpapers featuring the badge art.
Cell Phone Wallpaper

Ultra-wide Wallpaper

4k Wallpaper

Below is the Attorney General\’s letter to the heads of the badge masters.

This is not a real story. This is a modified version of the actual letter William Barr wrote. You can read the original letter here.